Meet your Crew
Kevin Trexler, Founder - Flight Instructor
Kevin Trexler, founder of TrexAir, grew up in upstate New York and graduated from Johnson and Wales University with a degree in culinary arts. Following graduation, he began his professional career as a chef. A decade later, he pivoted his career path to event photography and certified drone pilot. However, outside of work, Kevin was often found flying RC planes, helicopters, and receiving his pilots license. Kevin shortly found that flying meant more to him then just an activity outside of work, but it was truly what he was most passionate about. Soon flying became more than just a hobby, but a career. With no time to waste, he completed his airline education at ATP, and began working his way to increase his flight hours. While doing so, he realized his true passion is teaching others to fly. He believed that with his skill set and passion for flying, he could more successfully and positively teach others how to be their own pilot.
“As a new student of TrexAir, I am impressed with my instructor’s ability to break down complex aviation concepts and apply them to real life scenarios. His program style is quicker paced than other options, but manageable if you are serious about becoming a pilot. ”